C Programming

C Programming

Comparison of Computer Generation

Posted: 31 Jan 2014 06:15 AM PST

There are five computer generation, the following table summarise all main features comparison of related generation as:

Features First Generation Second Generation Third Generation Fourth Generation Fifth Generation
Period 1946-1959 1959-1965 1965-1971 1971-1985 1985-now
Electronic Item Vaccum Tube Transistor Integrated Circuit Microprocessor VLSIC
Language Machine Assembly High Level Language High Level Language High Level Language
Storage Punch Card Magnetic Tape Internal Memory Internal Memory Internal Memory
Example ENIAC IBM-700, ATLAS PDP Series's computer, CDC-1700 IBM-PC, ZX-SPECTRUM Super Computer, Robot

Fifth Computer Generation

Posted: 31 Jan 2014 05:32 AM PST

The timing of Fifth Computer Generation: 1985 - now

The main characteristic of fifth generation computer is as following:

  • Fifth generation computers uses Very Large Scale Integrated Circuit (VLSIC) technique.
  • These generation have Artificial Intelligence (AI), hence these computes can take the self decision.
  • These generation used in scientist laboratories.
  • These computer is too much expensive and processing speed of too much high so these types computers also knows Knowledge Information Process System (KIPS).
  • Example of Fifth generation computers: Super Computers, Robot etc.

Fourth Computer Generation

Posted: 31 Jan 2014 05:14 AM PST

Fourth Generation Computer Timing: 1971-1985

This generation computers are more advanced to other its previous generation computers.
The scientist Ted Haff makes the first microprocessor of the world in 1971.

The main characteristics of fourth generation computers is as following:

  • This generation computers used the microprocessor.
  • This generation computer used many type high level language like as BASIC, COBOL, PASCAL etc.
  • The storage capacity is too much of these generation computers.
  • The processing speed is too fast compared to previous generation computers. These computers speed counting in microsecond, nanosecond and picosecond and corresponding lower unit.
  • These computer size is small and easy to operator and carry, hence this generation computers are too much famous.
  • Example of fourth generation computers: IBM-PC, ZX-SPECTRUM etc.

Third Computer Generation

Posted: 31 Jan 2014 04:56 AM PST

Third generation of computer was introduced when there were comes IC(Integrated Circuit).
Integrated Circuit is a powerful electronic thing that was makes to merging of many transistor.
The main characteristic of third generation computers as following:

  • The third Generation computer used IC that was more powerful to transistor.
  • The third Generation computer uses High Level Language (HLL).The first High Level Language is FORTRAN.
  • First time, the third Generation computers are used the internal memory for storage the data.
  • This generation computers are small, easy to operator, easy to carry and processing speed is more comparison to second generation computer.
  • Example of third Generation computers: PDP series's computer, CDC-1700

Second Computer Generation

Posted: 31 Jan 2014 04:39 AM PST

"A small  but powerful discovery change all the thing of the world."

The above sentence fit in the second computer generation, when transistor comes.
Transistor was invented by William Shockly and his team at the Bell laboratories.
Transistor is an electronic item that was make semi-conductor metal. As compare of working capacity of transistor with Vaccum Tube is too much so its replaced Vaccum Tube and its second generation of computer comes.

The important features of second generation computer as following:

  • The second generation computer uses Transistor.
  • The second generation computer works on Assembly language i.e. it is mnemonic codes that was easy to write and understand compare to machine language code.
  • The second generation computer uses Magnetic Tape for storage the data.
  • The second generation computers are small, easy to carry, easy to operator comparison to first generation computer.
  • Example of the second generation computers: IBM-700, ATLAS

First Computer Generation

Posted: 31 Jan 2014 04:00 AM PST

The first computer comes since 1946 named ENIAC. ENIAC stand for Electronic Numerical Integrator And Calculator. ENIAC invented by J.P.Eckert and J.W.Mauchiy. The characteristic of first computer generation is as following:

  • The first generations computers used Vacuum Tube or Diode Valve.
  • The first generations computers works on the machine language i.e. all working is done with 0 and 1.
  • The first generation computers used magnetic drums or punch card for storage the data.
  • The first generation computers is too large in size so too difficult to transport for one palace to another.
  • The first generation computers consumes too much electricity.
  • Example of first generation computers: UNIVAC, ENIAC

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C Programming

C Programming

Decrease Character Pyramid

Posted: 29 Jan 2014 04:10 AM PST

Q. Write a C program to print the following decrease character pyramid as:



/*c program for decrease number pyramid*/
int main()
 char ch,p,r,c;
 printf("Enter any character : ");
 scanf("%c", &ch);
 if(ch>='a' && ch<='z')
 for(r='A'; r<=ch; r++,p--)
   for(c='A'; c<=p; c++)
 return 0;

The output of above program would be:

Output for decrease character pyramid C program
Figure: Screen shot for decrease character pyramid C program

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9lessons:Social Meta Tags for Google, Twitter and Facebook

9lessons:Social Meta Tags for Google, Twitter and Facebook

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Social Meta Tags for Google, Twitter and Facebook

Posted: 27 Jan 2014 10:20 AM PST

If you are developing an eCommerce (product selling) website and you must integrate with social networks sites like Facebook, Twitter and Google plus to reach more people. I strongly believe social networks like Facebook, Twitter and Google Plus will increase your product sales and generating new web traffic. This post will explain you that how to include social META tags for defining exact titles, description and images for better results.

Social Meta Tags

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C Programming

C Programming

Number Decrease to Zero Triangle

Posted: 25 Jan 2014 10:07 AM PST

Q. Write a C program to print the following number decrease to zero triangle pattern as:



/*c program for number decrease triangle*/
int main()
 int num,r,c,sp;
 printf("Enter max number : ");
 scanf("%d", &num);
 for(r=0; r<=num; r++)
   for(sp=r; sp<num; sp++)
       printf(" ");
   for(c=r; c>=0; c--)
   for(c=1; c<=r; c++)
 return 0;

The output of above program would be:

Output of Number Decrease to Zero Triangle C program
Figure: Screen shot for Number Decrease to Zero Triangle C program

What is Computer Generation

Posted: 25 Jan 2014 08:50 AM PST

In last post we read about what is computer. From Abcus to modern computer timing is called to computer generation. Each computer generation have specific features, and these features are more advances then those computer goes to higher computer generation.

There are five computer generation as:

  1. First Generation (1946-1959)
  2. Second Generation (1959-1965)
  3. Third Generation (1965-1971)
  4. Fourth Generation (1971-1985)
  5. Fifth Generation (1985- now)
We'll discuss each computer generation detailed in next post.

What is Computer

Posted: 25 Jan 2014 09:21 AM PST

In today's life, computer is essential part of human life. Computer is so powerful system that do the all type works and decrease the human life problem and increase effective, easy and reliable life.

The word "computer" comes from counting i.e. we can divide word computer in 2 words: compute + er
in other word we can say computer is a machine that can compute all countable thing.

But only countable machine, is it computer?
Absolutely not, because in modern era computer do almost all the stuff of world.

So according to Oxford dictionary:

"Computer is an automatic electronic apparatus for making calculations or controlling operations that are expressible in numerical or logical terms."

in other word, we can say:

"Computer is an electronic apparatus that takes data and instruction from user then as input, process them and give the accordingly result as output."

Input -> Process -> Output

The first apparatus that is makes for computing is named: "Abacus"
It is made in Chaina. Abacus perform only addition and subtraction to do all the computing work. It was too interesting that is uses long time in human life, till the modern computer not comes.

From Abacus to modern computer timing, we divided in five parts, that is called "Computer Generation."

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IPL Twenty20 Cricket

IPL Twenty20 Cricket

Two T20: Bangladesh vs Sri Lanka 2014

Posted: 16 Jan 2014 01:57 AM PST

DateMatch DetailsTime
Feb 12 - Wed1st T20I - Bangladesh v Sri Lanka16:30Chittagong
Feb 14 - Fri2nd T20I - Bangladesh v Sri Lanka16:30Chittagong

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9lessons:Block Uploads of Adult or Nude Images using PHP.

9lessons:Block Uploads of Adult or Nude Images using PHP.

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Block Uploads of Adult or Nude Images using PHP.

Posted: 12 Jan 2014 12:43 PM PST

I found an interesting and useful class file in phpclasses.org, that helps to detect image nudity based on skin pixel score developed by Bakr Alsharif from Egypt. I had integrated this with my previous tutorial Ajax image upload with Jquery and PHP, sure this code helps you to block adult or nudity images.

Block Uploads of Adult or Nude Images using PHP.
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9lessons:Free Responsive and Mobile Website Templates

9lessons:Free Responsive and Mobile Website Templates

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Free Responsive and Mobile Website Templates

Posted: 09 Jan 2014 09:19 AM PST

Do you know about w3layouts.com? Recently I have stumbled across w3layouts.com impressed with their work and made me to write this article about Responsive and Mobile friendly web design. They are providing 340+ Responsive and Mobile Friendly web templates designs look professional and attractive. One of the major perks to W3layouts is that all of their templates are completely FREE. They are providing all the templates in three formats Responsive web, Smartphone and Mobile. why we need three different formats of a single design I will try to explain it below

Free Responsive and Mobile Website Templates

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9lessons:MoboRobo Lets You Manage Your Android Smartphone & iPhone Never Like Before

9lessons:MoboRobo Lets You Manage Your Android Smartphone & iPhone Never Like Before

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MoboRobo Lets You Manage Your Android Smartphone & iPhone Never Like Before

Posted: 07 Jan 2014 08:45 AM PST

Have you ever wished if you had a bigger screen for your Smartphone? Or, have you ever thought of integrating your Smartphone/Tablet PC to your computer so that you can simultaneously keep track of both these devices? If answer for both of these questions is 'YES', we hope it is your time to check out MoboRobo, which is an all-in-one solution to manage your Android Smartphones & iPhones! According to our experience, MoboRobo, the most useful tool for any Smartphone vendors, seemed to be a superb way to manage information in Android Smartphones [We used an Android Smartphone to understand MoboRobo], and it seems that each power-user of Android/iOS should check this completely free software for Windows PCs.

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9lessons:Getting Started with Redis, Chatting Application

9lessons:Getting Started with Redis, Chatting Application

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Getting Started with Redis, Chatting Application

Posted: 05 Jan 2014 08:07 AM PST

Most of my readers are expecting a better chatting system from 9lessons, I have been working with different technologies like Node, Socket.io and etc. Finally I found Redis, it is an open source advanced key-value database storage system, works like NoSQL database. Redis operations can be executed on the server side and reduce the client's workload. It is used for caches to speed up web applications

Getting Started with Redis, Chatting Application

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