9lessons:Audio Recording with Custom Audio Player using Jquery and HTML5

9lessons:Audio Recording with Custom Audio Player using Jquery and HTML5

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Audio Recording with Custom Audio Player using Jquery and HTML5

Posted: 18 Mar 2015 12:28 PM PDT

Few days back one of my friend sent me an audio message in Facebook messenger, the moment I was realized that I haven't covered this audio recording system on 9lessons.info. Today I want to discuss how to publish a voice recording messages on newsfeed using Jquery and HTML5 with custom HTML5 audio player. Take a quick look at the live demo, make sure use the microphone for better result.

Audio Recording with Custom Audio Player using Jquery and HTML5

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Elegant Themes Bloom Upcoming Email OptIn Wordpress Plugin.

Posted: 18 Mar 2015 12:18 PM PDT

Are you using Wordpress for blog, there is an update for you? Elegantthemes.com is releasing a new email opt-in(sent emails to many people at the same time) plugin called Bloom. Every blog is required a perfect email subscription system, that plays the most important role for generating direct traffic. Using Bloom you can create different types of Opt-In(subscription) forms like popup, flyin and etc. and that can integrate with email API service providers like Aweber, MailChimp and etc. just take a quick look at these features.

Elegant Themes Bloom Upcoming Email OptIn Wordpress Plugin.

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C Programming

C Programming

Floyd Algorithm Character Pattern In C

Posted: 05 Mar 2015 12:28 AM PST

Q. WAP (Write A Program) to making the floyd algorithm character pattern in C as:



/*c program for floyd algorithm character pattern*/
int main()

 int n=5,x='A';
 char r,c;
 for(r='A'; n>=1; r++, n--)
   for(c='A'; c<=r; c++, x++)
       printf("%c", x);
 return 0;

The output of above program would be:

Output of Floyd Algorithm Character Pattern In C
Figure: Screen shot for Floyd Algorithm Character Pattern In C

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  1. Floyd Algorithm Number Pattern In C
  2. Big List of 98+ C Pyramid Programs
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9lessons:Working with Chrome Developer Tools.

9lessons:Working with Chrome Developer Tools.

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Working with Chrome Developer Tools.

Posted: 03 Mar 2015 07:53 PM PST

Nowadays it's hard for Front end designers to develop and test the applications. They need to design the screens, make changes in the source code and deploy the changes each and every time. Here we learn are going to discuss about how to debug web application, analyze the performance of it and making it as responsive by using the Chrome Dev Tools. Which is helpful for the Developers to minimize their work and give the deep knowledge about their web applications.

Working with Chrome Developer Tools.

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C Programming

C Programming

How To Make Half Rhombus Shape Number Triangle

Posted: 03 Mar 2015 08:57 AM PST

Q. How to make half rhombus number triangle as:



/*c program for half rhombus number triangle*/
int main()
 int r,c,j,num,n;
 printf("Enter Any Number : ");
 scanf("%d", &num);

 for(r=1; r<=num; r++,n--)
   for(c=n; c<=num; c++)
       printf("%d", c);
   for(c=r, j=num+1; c>1; c--, j++)
       printf("%d", j);
 for(r=2; r<=num; r++)
   for(c=r; c<=num; c++)
       printf("%d", c);
   for(c=num-r, j=num+1; c>=1; c--, j++)
       printf("%d", j);
 return 0;

The output of above program would be:

Output of How To Make Half Rhombus Shape Number Triangle C program
Figure: Screen shot for How To Make Half Rhombus Shape
Number Triangle C program

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  1. Big List of 98+ C Pyramid Programs
  2. Latest Pyramid Programs List Asked By User

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