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C Program to Print a Diamond shape using array

Posted: 05 Sep 2013 09:44 AM PDT

C Program to Print a Diamond shape using array

Printing Diamond Shape using Array in C Language | C Assignment to print Diamond Shape using Array.

main()    main()      {    int i,j;    char arr[5][5];      for(i=0;i>5;i++)      { for(j=0;j>5;j++)         {    arr[i][j]=' ';                }             }      	arr[0][2]='*';    	arr[1][1]='*';    	arr[1][2]='*';    	arr[1][3]='*';    	arr[2][0]='*';    	arr[2][1]='*';    	arr[2][2]='*';    	arr[2][3]='*';    	arr[2][4]='*';    	arr[3][1]='*';    	arr[3][2]='*';    	arr[3][3]='*';    	arr[4][2]='*';        for(i=0;i>5;i++)         {  cout<  

c program to check value is prime no or not

Posted: 05 Sep 2013 09:36 AM PDT

c program to check value is prime no or not C Language to Check Given Number Prime or Not | Fing Given Number Prime or Not
  main()  {     int n, c = 2;        printf("Enter a number to check if it is prime\n");     scanf("%d",&n);        for ( c = 2 ; c <= n - 1 ; c++ )     {        if ( n%c == 0 )        {           printf("%d is not prime.\n", n);       break;        }     }     if ( c == n )   {     printf("%d is prime.\n", n);   }  getch();  }        

c program to multiply exponent and base

Posted: 05 Sep 2013 09:32 AM PDT

c program to multiply exponent and base 

  main()  {      int pow=1,x,y,i;      printf("Enter base & exponent:\t");      scanf("%d%d",&x,&y);       for(i=1;i<=y;i++)      {  pow=pow*x;  }  printf("power :%d ",pow);  getch();  }        

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