C Programming

C Programming

Comparison Million Billion Trillion - Lakh Crore Kharab Series

Posted: 13 Jun 2014 09:00 AM PDT

In daily life we are many time confused about the equality of differ type number unit as million,billion,trillion v/s lakh,crore,kharab etc.
So today let's now knowing about How much million in Lakh and whether a billion is das lakh or ek Arab(i.e. simply Arab).

The answer of above question may be differ as a geographic location. In Europe continents(i.e all english countries) peoples representing the number as Million, Billion, Trillion whereas Asia continents peoples representing the number as Lakh, Crore, Kharab and so on.
Let's comparison of number representing system in tabular format:

S.No. Number's Range Hindi numeration in Roman scripts Numeration in English
1 11 Ikaai One
1 101 Dahaai Ten
2 102 Senkda Hundred
3 103 Hazar Thousand
4 104 Das Hazar Ten Thousand
5 105 Lakh Hundred Thousand
6 106 Das Lakh Million
7 107 Crore Ten Million
8 108 Das Crore Hundred Million
9 109 Arab Billion
10 1010 Das Arab Ten Billion
11 1011 Kharab Hundred Billion
12 1012 Das Kharab Trillion
13 1013 Neel Ten Trillion
14 1014 Dus Neel Hundred Trillion
15 1015 Padam Thousand Trillion
16 1016 Dus Padam Ten thousand Trillion
17 1017 Shankh Hundred Thousand Trillion
18 1018 Dus Shankh thousand thousand Trillion

Table: Comparison Million Billion Trillion v/s Lakh Crore Kharab Series

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