Program in C to demonstrate selection sort linked list

Write a program in C to demonstrate selection sort linked list

#include "stdio.h"
#include "stdlib.h"

#define MAX 10

struct lnode
            int data;
            struct lnode *next;
} *head, *visit;

/* add a new entry to the linked list */
void llist_add(struct lnode **q, int num);

/* preform a selection sort on the linked list */
void llist_selection_sort(void);

/* print the entire linked list */
void llist_print(void);

int main(void)
            /* linked list */
            struct lnode *newnode = NULL;
            int i = 0; /* a general counter */

            /* load some random values into the linked list */
            for(i = 0; i < MAX; i++) {
                        llist_add(&newnode, (rand() % 100));
            head = newnode;
            printf("Before selection sort:\n");
            printf("After selection sort:\n");
            return 0;

/* adds a node at the end of a linked list */
void llist_add(struct lnode **q, int num)
            struct lnode *temp;

            temp = *q;

            /* if the list is empty, create first node */
            if(*q == NULL) {
                        *q = malloc(sizeof(struct lnode));
                        temp = *q;
            } else {
                        /* go to last node */
                        while(temp->next != NULL)
                        temp = temp->next;
                        /* add node at the end */
                        temp->next = malloc(sizeof(struct lnode));
                        temp = temp->next;

            /* assign data to the last node */
            temp->data = num;
            temp->next = NULL;

/* print the entire linked list */
void llist_print(void)
            visit = head;
            /* traverse the entire linked list */
            while(visit != NULL)
                        printf("%d ", visit->data);
                        visit = visit->next;

void llist_selection_sort(void)
            struct lnode *a = NULL;
            struct lnode *b = NULL;
            struct lnode *c = NULL;
            struct lnode *d = NULL;
            struct lnode *tmp = NULL;
            a = c = head;
            while(a->next != NULL)
                        d = b = a->next;
                        while(b != NULL)
                                    if(a->data > b->data)
                                                /* neighboring linked list node */
                                                if(a->next == b)
                                                            if(a == head)
                                                                        a->next = b->next;
                                                                        b->next = a;
                                                                        tmp = a;
                                                                        a = b;
                                                                        b = tmp;
                                                                        head = a;
                                                                        c = a;
                                                                        d = b;
                                                                        b = b->next;
                                                            } else {
                                                                        a->next = b->next;
                                                                        b->next = a;
                                                                        c->next = b;
                                                                        tmp = a;
                                                                        a = b;
                                                                        b = tmp;
                                                                        d = b;
                                                                        b = b->next;
                                                } else {
                                                            if(a == head)
                                                                        tmp = b->next;
                                                                        b->next = a->next;
                                                                        a->next = tmp;
                                                                        d->next = a;
                                                                        tmp = a;
                                                                        a = b;
                                                                        b = tmp;
                                                                        d = b;
                                                                        b = b->next;
                                                                        head = a;
                                                            } else {
                                                                        tmp = b->next;
                                                                        b->next = a->next;
                                                                        a->next = tmp;
                                                                        c->next = b;
                                                                        d->next = a;
                                                                        tmp = a;
                                                                        a = b;
                                                                        b = tmp;
                                                                        d = b;
                                                                        b = b->next;
                                    } else {
                                                d = b;
                                                b = b->next;
                        c = a;
                        a = a->next;

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