Program to demonstrate insertion sort

Write a program in C to demonstrate insertion sort
#include <stdio.h>

void isort(float arr[], int n);
int fm(float arr[], int b, int n);

int main(void)
            float arr1[5] = {4.3, 6.7, 2.8, 8.9, 1.0};
            float arr2[5] = {4.3, 6.7, 2.8, 8.9, 1.0};
            int i = 0;
            isort(arr2, 5);


            for(i = 0; i < 5; i++)
                        printf("%.2f\t%.2f\n", arr1[i], arr2[i]);

            return 0;

int fm(float arr[], int b, int n) {
            int f = b;
            int c;

            for(c = b + 1; c < n; c++)
                        if(arr[c] < arr[f])
            f = c;
            return f;

void isort(float arr[], int n)
            int s, w;
            float sm;

            for(s = 0; s < n - 1; s++)
                        w = fm(arr, s, n);
                        sm = arr[w];
                        arr[w] = arr[s];
                        arr[s] = sm;

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