Agile Processes

The agile processes are the light-weight methods are people-based rather than plan-based methods. The agile process forces the development team to focus on software itself rather than design and documentation. The agile process believes in iterative method. The aim of agile process is to deliver the working model of software quickly to the customer.

Set of principles of agile process
1.   Customer involvement – The customer specifies the software requirements and evaluates each iteration of the system.
2.   Incremental change – Software is developed in increments. Each increment must be evaluated by the customer and customer should suggest changes in the system if any.
3.   Assume simplicity – The software system to be developed should be simple and the complexity of the system should be eliminated.
4.   People are important than process – The skill of the people should be exploited. Instead of following rigid prescribed process, people should get the liberty to develop their own ideas and their own working style.
5.   Embrace change – If any changes occur in requirements or in design then system should accommodate those changes.

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