Java67 - Java Program Example Tutorial Blog

Java67 - Java Program Example Tutorial Blog

10 AWT Swing Interview Questions Answers in Java

Posted: 03 Jan 2013 07:01 AM PST

AWT and Swing Interview Questions are part of any Java interviews which involves GUI development work. Since AWT(Abstract Windows Toolkit) and Swing offers most popular Java GUI solutions, Yes, JavaFX  has still lot of path to cover in terms of popularity and usability of Swing. In Investment banking, where Java rules on server side application development, Swing was heavily used in GUI development couple of years back. Now trends is shifting towards C# for GUI development due to couple of reasons e.g. good Swing developers are not easy to be found as compared to C# developers. By the way there are still many development work is going on Swing. One of the reason Swing developers are high in demand is because Swing is quickly becoming a niche technology. This is surprising because  Swing is part of Java, but given steep learning curve of Swing to master different layouts and components e.g. JTable or JList , I tend to believe it. In this article we will see some good Swing Interview questions for practice. Questions like InvokeLater vs InvokeAndWait are classic, which is always worth preparing.
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