Software Crisis

Software crisis represent various problems that are faced by the software developers during software development process. Following are the symptoms of present software crisis:

1.    Day-by-day, software purchase cost is getting more than the hardware purchase cost. Hence major part of the budget of nay software industry is on software purchase.
2.    Software products are difficult to alter, maintain, enhance, debug or modify.
3.    Software resources are not being used optionally.
4.    User requirements are often evolving and cannot be satisfied fully.
5.    Software product not being reliable.
6.    Many time software products get crashed on occurrence of specific condition.
7.    Delivery of software product within specified budget and on scheduled time.

Various factors that have contributed to make software crisis:
Following are some factors that bring the software crisis:
1.    Increasing size or volume of software.
2.    Lowered productivity or quality improvement.
3.    Lack of skilled staff.
4.    Inadequate software training.
5.    Growing demand for more software.

Solutions to present software crisis:
The most effective solution to present software crisis cab be:
1.    Use and spread of software engineering practices among software engineers.
2.    Further enhancement in software engineering disciplines.

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