Most Commonly Asked Programs In C++ Language

Most Commonly Asked Programs In C++ Language

Preface Of The Blog.

Posted: 07 Jun 2013 11:05 PM PDT

Dear Friends,
         We fell delighted to present you the 'Most Commonly Asked Programs In 'C' & 'C++' Language' blog based on C & C++ Programming language. It comes up as a genuine aid to boost up your programming skills. All you need to do is thoroughly understand all it's aspect & practice the techniques mention in this blog to use it. Since we all know that, 'Practice Makes The Human Perfect'.
         The very structure of programs in this blog, reveals a profound study of concerned concepts/features. We have done our level best to incorporate complete syllabus in compliance to concept wise program distribution. Rather, to ease the study process & keep you aptly guided, we have provided a wide variety of programs with correct source code, algorithm & output.
         Dear programmers, you are kindly advised to analyze, write & compile each & every program present in this blog. Thereafter, get them thoroughly understood & verified by your parents, tutors, teachers & lecturers and please make sure that pay enough attention to their requisite instructions or clarification, cause it'll help you to overcome any problems, queries or doubts in near future. Learning programming or it's techniques is not just understanding it's concepts/features, But also rectifying your mistakes which you make while doing so. Also be keen vigilant to perfect the structure of programming,
concepts related to algorithms, psuedocodes & flowcharts to add more to your skills.
        Hard work, consistent practice & planned studies are the keystone to greater heights in success. Our little guidance, would help you make a clean sweep as far as a bright success is concerned.
         You just believe in us & make a perfect use of our blog and see how you get the desired improvements & perfection in your programming skills.
         We hope you will bag the cherished success.


C++ Program To Perform Merge Sort.

Posted: 07 Jun 2013 03:57 AM PDT

This Post Contains A C++ Program To Perform Merge Sort With Correct Source Code, Algorithm & Output. This Program Is Written, Compiled & Executed At TurboC/C++3.0 Compiler & Will Help You To Understand The Concept Of 'Merge Sort', 'Array', 'Function', 'Nested Loops' From C++ Language. It Is A Well-Structured Program With Proper Comments Which Provides Step-By-Step Description Of Various Features Of The Language In A Simple & Easy-To-Understand Way.

# Note : You Can Simply Copy-Paste The Following Program Or Code Into Compiler For Direct Result.

C++ Program To Perform Merge Sort.

/* Declaration Of Header Files */

/* Function Declaration */
void Merge(int c[], int r[]);
/* Start Of Main Program */
void main()

/* Declaration Of Variables */
int a[10], b[10], c[20];
int i=0, j=0, x, y;
/* Asking For The Input From User */
cout<<" \n Enter Dimension For Array A : ";
cout<<" \n Enter "<<x<<" Values For Array A : ";
for(i=0; i<x; i++)

cout<<" \n Enter Dimension For Array B : ";
cout<<" \n Enter "<<y<<" Values For Array B : ";
for(i=0; i<y; i++)

/* Source Code For Computing Merge Sort */
for(i=0; i<x; i++)
Merge(c,x+y);           // Function Call.
/* End Of Main Program */

/* Function Definition */
void Merge(int c[], int r[])

/* Declaration Of Local Variables Of Function */
int k, p, q, fl, fu, sl, su, size, d[20];
      for(p=fl, q=sl; p<=fu && q<=su; k++)
      for(; p<=fu; k++)
      for(; q<=su; k++)
   for(p=fl; k<r; p++)
   for(p=0; p<r; p++)
for(q=0; q<r; q++)
/* End Of Function */

Output :

Enter Dimension For Array A : 4
Enter 4 Values For A :
01  2  83  45

Enter Dimension For Array B : 8
Enter 8 Values For B :
65  64  37  82  19  10  25  63

After Merge Sort :
01  10  19  25  29  37  45  63  64  65  82  83

C++ Program To Perform Shell Sort.

Posted: 07 Jun 2013 03:49 AM PDT

This Post Contains A C++ Program To Perform Shell Sort With Correct Source Code, Algorithm & Output. This Program Is Written, Compiled & Executed At TurboC/C++3.0 Compiler & Will Help You To Understand The Concept Of 'Shell Sort', 'Array', 'Nested Loops', 'Functions' From C++ Language. It Is A Well-Structured Program With Proper Comments Which Provides Step-By-Step Description Of Various Features Of The Language In A Simple & Easy-To-Understand Way.

# Note : You Can Simply Copy-Paste The Following Program Or Code Into Compiler For Direct Result.

C++ Program To Perform Shell Sort.
/* Declaration Of Header Files */
/* Function Declaration */
void ShellSort(int a[], int b[], int d, intx);
/* Start Of Main Program */
void main()

/* Declaration Of Variables */
int i, dim, x, a[20], b[5];

/* Asking For The Input From User */
cout<<" \n Enter Dimension For Array : ";
cout<<" \n Enter "<<dim<<" Values For Array : ";
for(i=0; i<dim; i++)
/* Source Code For Computing Shell Sort */
cout<<" \n Enter Number Of Increments : ";
cout<<" \n Enter Increments Last 1 : ";
for(i=0; i<x; i++)
cout<<" \n Entered Values Of Array Are : ";
for(i=0; i<dim; i++)
cout<<" \n Increments Are : ";
for(i=0; i<x; i++)

ShellSort(a, b, dim, x);         // Function Call.

/* End Of Main Program */

/* Function Definition */
void ShellSort(int a[], int b[], int d, intx)

/* Declaration Of Local Variables Of Function */
int j, k , l, y, inc, span;
for(j=0; j<x; j++)
   for(k=span; k<d; k++)
      for(l=k-span; l>=0&&y<a[l]; l-=span)

/* Printing The Output Onto The Screen/Console */
cout<<" \n After Sorting Array Is : ";
for(j=0; j<d; j++)
/* End Of Function */
Output :

Enter Dimension : 10

Enter 10 Values For Array :
91  28  73  46  50  19  82  37  64  05

Enter Number Of Increments : 3

Enter Increments Last 1 : 4  2  1

Values Of Array Are :
91  28  73  46  50  19  82  37  64  05

Increments : 4  2  1

After Sorting Array Is :
05  19  28  37  46  50  64  73  82  91

C++ Program To Print An Array Using Pointer.

Posted: 07 Jun 2013 03:36 AM PDT

This Post Contains A C++ Program To Print An Array Using Pointer With Correct Source Code, Algorithm & Output. This Program Is Written, Compiled & Executed At TurboC/C++3.0 Compiler & Will Help You To Understand The Concept Of 'Arrays' & 'Pointers' From C++ Language. It Is A Well-Structured Program With Proper Comments Which Provides Step-By-Step Description Of Various Features Of The Language In A Simple & Easy-To-Understand Way.

# Note : You Can Simply Copy-Paste The Following Program Or Code Into Compiler For Direct Result.

C++ Program To Print An Array Using Pointer.

/* Declaration Of Header Files */

/* Start Of Main Program */
void main()

/* Declaration Of Variables */
int i, a[10], *ptr;

/* Asking For The Input From User */
cout<<" \n Please Enter 10 Numbers For An Array 'A' : ";
for(i=0; i<10; i++)

/* Printing The Output Onto The Screen/Console */
ptr=&a;                                 // Or You Can Also Denote ptr=&a[0];
cout<<" \n The Entered Numbers Are : \n ";
for(i=0; i<10; i++)
/* End Of Main Program */

Output :

Please Enter 10 Numbers For An Array 'A' :
1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10

The Entered Numbers Are :
1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10

C Program To Perform Character Design : #04.

Posted: 07 Jun 2013 03:26 AM PDT

This Post Contains A C Program To Perform Character Design With Correct Source Code, Algorithm & Output. This Program Is Written, Compiled & Executed At TurboC/C++3.0 Compiler & Will Help You To Understand The Concept Of 'Nested For-Loops' From C Language. It Is A Well-Structured Program With Proper Comments Which Provides Step-By-Step Description Of Various Features Of The Language In A Simple & Easy-To-Understand Way.

# Note : You Can Simply Copy-Paste The Following Program Or Code Into Compiler For Direct Result.

 C Program To Perform Character Design : #04.

/* Declaration Of Header Files */

/* Start Of Main Program */
void main()
/* Declaration Of Variables */
int i, j;
for(i=5; i>=1; i--)
   for(j=1; j<=i; j++)
/* End Of Main Program */

Output :

1  0  1  0  1
1  0  1  0
1  0  1
1  0

C++ Program To Check Whether The User Entered Integer Is Palindrome Or Not.

Posted: 07 Jun 2013 01:13 AM PDT

This Post Contains A C++ Program To Check Whether The User Entered Integer Is Palindrome With Correct Source Code, Algorithm & Output. This Program Is Written, Compiled & Executed At TurboC/C++3.0 Compiler & Will Help You To Understand The Concept Of 'While-Loop' & 'If...else' From C++ Language. It Is A Well-Structured Program With Proper Comments Which Provides Step-By-Step Description Of Various Features Of The Language In A Simple & Easy-To-Understand Way.

# Note : You Can Simply Copy-Paste The Following Program Or Code Into Compiler For Direct Result.

C++ Program To Check Whether The User Entered Integer Is Palindrome Or Not.

/* Declaration Of Header Files */

/* Start Of Main Program */
void main()

/* Declaration Of Variables */
int Num, Rem=0, Quo=0, temp=0;

/* Asking For The Input From User */
cout<<" \n Please Enter A Number : ";

/* Source Code For Checking Integer As Palindrome */
   Rem = Quo % 10;
   temp = (temp*10) + Rem;
   Quo = Quo / 10;
cout<<" \n The Number "<<Num<<" Is Palindrome ";
cout<<" \n The Number "<<Num<<" Is Not Palindrome ";
/* End Of Main Program */

Output :

Please Enter A Number : 11

The Number 11 Is Palindrome

Please Enter A Number : 21

The Number 21 Is Not Palindrome

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